Friday, May 15, 2020

Analysis Of The Article History Of Technology By...

Sebastian Arias From the birth of the first single celled organism, to the first dated appearance of the neanderthal, life has been constantly evolving to achieve a greater sense of survival and adaptation. We as human beings have become a prime example of the evolutionary process surpassing the predators which once preyed upon us to becoming the top of the food change. Although our evolution is an amazing feat we have used the knowledge of billions of years of evolution to create something in which blows our evolutionary process into shambles,that something being technology. As our brains developed to the adapt to our surroundings, we became more intelligent and more creative. This gave leeway to our instincts to create. Since the†¦show more content†¦As explained in the Youtube video ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer â€Å" One computer could perform 5000 additions and 1000 multiplications per second† Using vacuum tubes to transfer information it took a who le team of engineers and specialist just to keep the thing working. Costing a whopping $500,000 and weighing 30 tons the ENIAC was a very bulky and awkward invention, but due to its success to complete calculations at a way s faster rate then humans this lead a man named Bell Labs to invent the transistor , a replacement for the vacuums. Transistor allowed information to pass through at a faster rate and took up less space than the vacuums allowing the ENIAC’s to decrease in size. Over the years computers become very cheap to manufacture and took up less space than its ancestors this lead to the creation of the personal computer in 1974. Although missing key features like the mouse and keyboard, this lead to geniuses like, but not limited Bill Gates and Steve Jobs to create what we know today to be the personal computer, or PC. As the number of pc’s increased through the American households its usefulness also increased. Although once used to do basic calculations the household computer was now able to do so much more in such little space. This was all possible due to the

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